We are located in Sarasota, offering a local flavor with global experience. US Coast Guard Master Captain Tim and Jan Solomon began sailing Sarasota together in high school 45 years ago. After global careers together in charity relief and education, the couple has returned home to offer the world fresh air, fine chocolates, and a few hours of peace of earth. Jan is a local girl from 1960, and the Bayfront park is named in honor of her father, Chaplain J.D. Hamel. Tim has a day in the city named in his honor, and the key to the city rides aboard their 41’ Morgan,. he family sailing experience includes delivering a yacht across the Pacific for charity, and their greatest joy is sharing their love of the water with you.
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Joustava: Jahtimaksun määrästä palautetaan 100%, kun peruutus tehdään viimeistään 7 päivää ennen sisäänkirjautumista, ja 50%, kun peruutus tehdään viimeistään 1 päivä ennen sisäänkirjautumista. lisää
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