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BednBlue Guarantee
Paras hintatakuu
Takaamme, että BednBlue:ssa kaikki listat tarjotaan markkinoiden alhaisimpaan hintaan.
Rahat takaisin -takuu
Varmistaaksemme, että et saa mitään vähemmän kuin mitä olet sopinut, sitomme varauksen kokonaissumman saapumispäivään mennessä listalle.
Luetteloinnin tarkkuus
Takaamme, että kaikki BednBlue-listat ovat juuri sellaisia kuin ne näyttävät. Lue lisää
Henkilökohtainen avustaja
BednBluen edustaja tietää kaiken matkastasi siitä hetkestä lähtien, kun teet varauksen, ja hän on valmiina auttamaan sinua milloin tahansa, kun tarvitset häntä.
We have rented a boat including crew (skipper) from George, who is btw not an owner but a middleman, and on the checkin day we were asked by him to pay 1.5k EUR for the skipper. Luckily, the owner showed up and said he'll settle it and we're good to go, but he mentioned he is making us a FAVOR as otherwise we'd be forced to pay not to have our holidays ruined last minute... It really wasn't the most pleasant experience and a ton of stress on day one. The boat itself was OK, a couple things broken and not best maintenance, but it was clean and spacious. And our skipper, Aris, was a great guy.
We have rented a boat including crew (skipper) from George, who is btw not an owner but a middleman, and on the checkin day we were asked by him to pay 1.5k EUR for the skipper. Luckily, the owner showed up and said he'll settle it and we're good to go, but he mentioned he is making us a FAVOR as otherwise we'd be forced to pay not to have our holidays ruined last minute... It really wasn't the most pleasant experience and a ton of stress on day one. The boat itself was OK, a couple things broken and not best maintenance, but it was clean and spacious. And our skipper, Aris, was a great guy.